data test; set sashelp.class; A=1; drop name; run; %macro comp(souce_dsn=, target_dsn=); proc compare base=&source_dsn(obs=0) comp=&target_dsn (obs=0) noprint; run; /* PROC COMPARE return code - SYSINFO: 0400X Base data set has variable not in comparison 0800X Comparison data set has variable not in base 2000X Conflicting variable types 0010X Variable has different length */ %if %eval(%sysfunc(band(&sysinfo, 0400x)) = 0400x ) or %eval(%sysfunc(band(&sysinfo, 0800X)) = 0800X ) or %eval(%sysfunc(band(&sysinfo, 2000X)) = 2000X ) or %eval(%sysfunc(band(&sysinfo, 0010X)) = 0010X ) %then %do; %put ERROR: &source_dsn has different structure with &target_dsn; %end; %mend; %comp(souce_dsn=sashelp.class, target_dsn=work.test)
Friday, July 31, 2015
Code to Compare Data Strcuture
As I said in previous blog, we can compare the data structure using PROC COMPARE. Below is sample code.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Compare the data structure using PROC COMPARE
PROC COMPARE is more useful than you think. It is mainly used to compare observations. And it is also a good tool to compare data structure. To compare only data structure, please exclude observation comparison using dataset option OBS=0.
Please see the code at below:
Please see the code at below:
data test; set sashelp.class; drop name; test = 1; run; proc compare base=sashelp.class (obs=0) compare=test (obs=0) listvars; run;
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